#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use strict;

# makecert
# Version 1.2 (2014.05.24)
# A script to automate the creation of openssl certificates
# for use with radmind.
# Must be run as root.
# Greg Neagle, Walt Disney Feature Animation
# http://managingosx.wordpress.com/2006/09/22/certificate-creation-for-radmind/
# Heavily modified by James Reynolds, The University of Utah, Student Computing 
# Labs, Mac Group
# http://blog.magnusviri.com/radmind-tls-part-1.html
#                               READ THIS
# Before using this script, you must make changes to the top of this file.

# Some things specific to your environment
# Set $special_file_domain to "" if you don't have your hostnames in DNS (this
# is only used for special files)

my $special_file_domain = "";

# To automate things, this script gets the passphrase from the /var/radmind/CA/private/password (see
# path below).  Please chmod private to 700 and make it owned by root.

# This is information that will be included in certs and CA's.
my $country = "US";
my $state_province = "Utah";
my $city_locality = "Salt Lake City";
my $organization = "Someorg";
my $organization_unit = "Someone";
my $email = 'youremail@example.com';
my $days = "365";

# These are default paths for radmind.  Change if you want.
my $radmind_dir = "/var/radmind";
my $relative_path = "."; # Set to "" if you are using absolute paths, "." if you are using relative.
my $ca_dir = "$radmind_dir/CA";
my $cert_dir_name = "certs";
my $transcript_dir = "$radmind_dir/transcript/$cert_dir_name";
my $file_dir = "$radmind_dir/file/$cert_dir_name";
my $server_cert_dir = "$radmind_dir/cert";
my $special_dir = "$radmind_dir/special";
my $symlink_dir = "/certs"; # This is a dir to store symlinks to the certs so that you can scp them easily.

my $passin = "file:$ca_dir/private/password"; # This is just a text file with your password!

my $fsdiff = "/usr/local/bin/fsdiff";
my $lsort = "/usr/local/bin/lsort";

# No more edits required below here

sub usage {
	my $myname = `/usr/bin/basename $0`;
	print STDERR << "EOF";
     $myname -o [-d days] [-y] [-h] <client name>
     $myname -p [-d days] [-y] [-h] <client name>
     $myname -c [-d days] [-y] [-h] <CA name>
     $myname -s [-d days] [-y] [-h] <server hostname>

The "CA name" can either be anything (e.g. hostname of server)
The "client name" is whatever you plan on listing in the config file.
The "server hostname" is the fully qualified domain name of the server (e.g. radmind.example.com)

-c Create/renew CA
-o Create a client cert and store it in an overload (this is default)
-p Create a client cert and store it in $special_dir
-s Create a server cert

Other options:
-d Days the cert wil expire (default is 365)
-h Check name to make sure it is a valid hostname (only use on server)
-y If a cert already exists, it will be revoked and a new one with the same name will be created.

	exit 1;

die "Run me as root (this script shouldn't even be readable by non-root users...).\n" if $> ne 0;

#use strict;
use Getopt::Std;

my %options;


my $commonname = $ARGV[0];
if ( $commonname and $special_file_domain ) {
	$commonname =~ s/\..*//; # Get the short version of the commonname

$days = (defined $options{'d'}) ? $options{'d'} : $days;

# Error checking

my $error_message = "";

if ( ! $commonname ) {
	$error_message .= "Need a hostname/commonname!\n";

if ( ! -d $ca_dir ) {
	$error_message .= "Missing directiory: $ca_dir.  Please create it and run this script again.\n"
} else {

	# Create any missing items (this is all first run stuff)

	if ( ! -e "$ca_dir/certs" ) {
		print "/bin/mkdir -p \"$ca_dir/certs\"\n";
		`/bin/mkdir -p "$ca_dir/certs"`;
	if ( ! -e "$ca_dir/crl" ) {
		print "/bin/mkdir -p \"$ca_dir/crl\"\n";
		`/bin/mkdir -p "$ca_dir/crl"`;
	if ( ! -e "$ca_dir/newcerts" ) {
		print "/bin/mkdir -p \"$ca_dir/newcerts\"\n";
		`/bin/mkdir -p "$ca_dir/newcerts"`;
	if ( ! -e "$ca_dir/private" ) {
		print "/bin/mkdir -p \"$ca_dir/private\"\n";
		`/bin/mkdir -p "$ca_dir/private"`;
	if ( ! -e "$ca_dir/serial" ) {
		print "/bin/echo 01 > \"$ca_dir/serial\"\n";
		`/bin/echo 01 > "$ca_dir/serial"`;
	if ( ! -e "$ca_dir/index.txt" ) {
		print "/usr/bin/touch \"$ca_dir/index.txt\"\n";
		`/usr/bin/touch "$ca_dir/index.txt"`;


if ( ! -e "$ca_dir/private/password" ) {
	$error_message .= "Missing passpharse file: $ca_dir/private/password.  Please create it and run this script again.\n"

# Fix permissions
print "/bin/chmod -R go-rwx \"$ca_dir\"\n";
`/bin/chmod -R go-rwx $ca_dir`;

# Check param errors

if ( ! defined $options{'c'} and ! -f "$ca_dir/ca.pem" ) {
	$error_message .= "Does not exist: $ca_dir/ca.pem. Please run this script with the -c option to create it.\n"

if ($commonname =~ /^d+$/) {
	$error_message .= "Common names (hostname or other identifier) may not start with digits (IP's not allowed).\n";

my $flag = 0;
$flag++ if defined $options{'c'};
$flag++ if defined $options{'o'};
$flag++ if defined $options{'p'};
$flag++ if defined $options{'s'};
if ( $flag > 1 ) {
	$error_message .= "Invalid arguments (only one of the following may appear: -c, -o, -p, -s).\n";
} elsif ( $flag < 1 ) {
	$options{'o'} = 1;

if ( defined $options{'o'} ) {
	$error_message .= "The directory $transcript_dir does not exist.\n" if ! -e $transcript_dir;
	$error_message .= "The directory $file_dir does not exist.\n" if ! -e $file_dir;

if ( $error_message ne "" ) {
	print $error_message;
	exit 1;


# Generate a config file that will tell openssl req how to construct the cert without prompting us
writeConfigFile( $commonname );

if ( defined $options{'c'} ) {

	if ( ! -e "$ca_dir/ca.pem" ) {

		# Generate a self signed root CA -x509
		print "/usr/bin/openssl req -passin \"$passin\" -batch -new -keyout \"$ca_dir/private/CAkey.pem\" -out \"$ca_dir/ca.pem\" -days $days -config \"$ca_dir/openssl.cnf\" -x509\n";
		`/usr/bin/openssl req -passin "$passin" -batch -new -keyout "$ca_dir/private/CAkey.pem" -out "$ca_dir/ca.pem" -days $days -config \"$ca_dir/openssl.cnf\" -x509`;

	} else {

		# Update the ca
		print "The file $ca_dir/ca.pem already exists, so I'm updating it.  If you wanted to create a new one delete the file and rerun this script.\n";
		print "/usr/bin/openssl x509 -passin \"$passin\" -in \"$ca_dir/ca.pem\" -out \"$ca_dir/ca.pem\" -days $days -signkey \"$ca_dir/private/CAkey.pem\"\n";
		`/usr/bin/openssl x509 -passin "$passin" -in "$ca_dir/ca.pem" -out "$ca_dir/ca.pem" -days $days -signkey "$ca_dir/private/CAkey.pem"`;


	if ( ! -e "$file_dir/radmind_ca.T/private/var/radmind/cert" ) {
		print "/bin/mkdir -p \"$file_dir/radmind_ca.T/private/var/radmind/cert\"\n";
		`/bin/mkdir -p "$file_dir/radmind_ca.T/private/var/radmind/cert"`;

	print "/bin/cp \"$ca_dir/ca.pem\" \"server_cert_dir/ca.pem\"\n";
	`/bin/cp "$ca_dir/ca.pem" "$server_cert_dir/ca.pem"`;

	print "/bin/cp \"$ca_dir/ca.pem\" \"$file_dir/radmind_ca.T/private/var/radmind/cert\"\n";
	`/bin/cp "$ca_dir/ca.pem" $file_dir/radmind_ca.T/private/var/radmind/cert`;

	print "cd \"$file_dir/radmind_ca.T\"\n";
	chdir "$file_dir/radmind_ca.T";

	print "chmod 600 ./private/var/radmind/cert/ca.pem\n";
	`chmod 600 ./private/var/radmind/cert/ca.pem`;

	print "/usr/sbin/chown 0:0 ./private/var/radmind/cert/ca.pem\n";
	`/usr/sbin/chown 0:0 ./private/var/radmind/cert/ca.pem`;

	print "$fsdiff -c sha1 -1 ./private/var/radmind/cert/ca.pem > \"$transcript_dir/radmind_ca.T\"\n";
	`$fsdiff -c sha1 -1 ./private/var/radmind/cert/ca.pem > "$transcript_dir/radmind_ca.T"`;

	print "Put \"p $cert_dir_name/radmind_ca.T\" in all client command files.\n";

} else {

	# Check to see if there's already a cert with this CN

	my $flag = 1;
	my $cert_exists = `/usr/bin/egrep -r "^V.*CN=$commonname/" "$ca_dir/index.txt" | awk '{print \$3}'`;
	chomp $cert_exists;
	while ( $cert_exists ne "" ) {
		if ( ! $options{'y'} ) {
			print "It looks like there's already a certificate with this name. You must revoke the old cert before creating a new one with the same name. Would you like to do that now (y/[n])? ";
			my $response = <STDIN>;
			unless ($response =~ m/^y/i) { exit 0; }
		my $cert_path = "$ca_dir/newcerts/$cert_exists.pem";
		if ( -f $cert_path ) {
			# Revoking cert (-revoke)
			print "/usr/bin/openssl ca -batch -passin \"$passin\" -config \"$ca_dir/openssl.cnf\" -revoke \"$cert_path\"\n";
			`/usr/bin/openssl ca -batch -passin "$passin" -config "$ca_dir/openssl.cnf" -revoke "$cert_path"`;
		} else {
			die "Could not find the cert at $cert_path. You will have to find the cert and manually revoke it or edit the index.txt file.\nCommand to revoke a cert: openssl ca -batch -key \"<ca passphrase>\" -config \"$ca_dir/openssl.cnf\" -revoke \"<path to cert>\"";
		$cert_exists = `/usr/bin/egrep -r "^V.*CN=$commonname/" "$ca_dir/index.txt" | awk '{print \$3}'`;
		chomp $cert_exists;

	# Check to see if this is a valid commonname in local DNS.
	# You should set $special_file_domain to "" if you don't have your
	# commonnames in DNS.

	if ( $special_file_domain ne "" and defined $options{'h'} ) {
		my $hostresult = `/usr/bin/host $commonname`;
		if ($hostresult =~ /not found/) {
			print "$commonname doesn't appear to be a valid hostname.\n";
			print "Do you want to create a certificate anyway (y/n)? ";
			my $response = <STDIN>;
			unless ($response =~ m/^y/i) { exit 0; }

	# Make the Cert

	print "Creating certificate for $commonname...\n";

	# Create a certificate request (-new) and an unencrypted (-nodes) private key (-keyout).
	print "/usr/bin/openssl req -batch -new -keyout \"$ca_dir/key.pem\" -out \"$ca_dir/req.pem\" -days $days -config \"/tmp/openssl/$commonname.cfg\" -nodes\n";
	`/usr/bin/openssl req -batch -new -keyout "$ca_dir/key.pem" -out "$ca_dir/req.pem" -days $days -config "/tmp/openssl/$commonname.cfg" -nodes`;

	if ($? == 0) {
		print "/bin/cat \"$ca_dir/req.pem\" \"$ca_dir/key.pem\" > \"$ca_dir/new-req.pem\"\n";
		`/bin/cat "$ca_dir/req.pem" "$ca_dir/key.pem" > "$ca_dir/new-req.pem"`;

		# Create a signed (-out) file of the certificate request (-infiles)
		print "/usr/bin/openssl ca -batch -policy policy_match -passin \"$passin\" -out \"$ca_dir/out.pem\" -config \"$ca_dir/openssl.cnf\" -infiles \"$ca_dir/new-req.pem\"\n";
		`/usr/bin/openssl ca -batch -policy policy_match -passin "$passin" -out "$ca_dir/out.pem" -config "$ca_dir/openssl.cnf" -infiles "$ca_dir/new-req.pem"`;

		if ($? == 0) {
			# Combine the certificate and key into one file
			print "/bin/cat \"$ca_dir/out.pem\" \"$ca_dir/key.pem\" > \"$ca_dir/$commonname-cert.pem\"\n";
			`/bin/cat "$ca_dir/out.pem" "$ca_dir/key.pem" > "$ca_dir/$commonname-cert.pem"`;
		} else {
			die "openssl signing failed.";
	} else {
		die "openssl request failed.";

	# Remove temporary files
	print "/bin/rm -f \"$ca_dir/req.pem\" \"$ca_dir/new-req.pem\" \"$ca_dir/out.pem\"\n";
	`/bin/rm -f "$ca_dir/req.pem" "$ca_dir/new-req.pem" "$ca_dir/out.pem"`;

	# Store the Cert
	my $cert_location = '';

	# Make the directories radmind needs to store the cert and copy them there.
	if ( defined $options{'s'} ) {

		print "Moving server cert to $server_cert_dir.\n";

		print "/bin/mv \"$ca_dir/$commonname-cert.pem\" \"$server_cert_dir/cert.pem\"\n";
		`/bin/mv "$ca_dir/$commonname-cert.pem" "$server_cert_dir/cert.pem"`;
		print "/bin/mv \"$ca_dir/$commonname-cert.pem\" \"$server_cert_dir/$commonname-cert.pem\"\n";
		`/bin/mv "$ca_dir/$commonname-cert.pem" "$server_cert_dir/$commonname-cert.pem"`;

		print "On the radmind server, start the radmind daemon with these options:\n";
		print "	\"-w 1\" or \"-w 2\"\n";
		print "	\"-y $server_cert_dir/$commonname-cert.pem\" and \"-z $server_cert_dir/$commonname-cert.pem\"\n";
		print "Put $ca_dir/ca.pem on clients, and client commands (ktcheck, lapply, lcreate) should use \"-w 1\" or \"-w 2\".\n";

	} elsif ( defined $options{'p'} ) {

		$cert_location = "$special_dir/$commonname/private/var/radmind/cert/$commonname-cert.pem";
		my $cert_location2 = "$special_dir/$commonname/private/var/radmind/cert/cert.pem";

		print "Moving client cert to radmind special file.\n";
		print "/bin/mkdir -p \"$special_dir/$commonname/private/var/radmind/cert/\"\n";
		`/bin/mkdir -p "$special_dir/$commonname/private/var/radmind/cert/"`;
		print "/bin/cp \"$ca_dir/$commonname-cert.pem\" \"$cert_location\"\n";
		`/bin/cp "$ca_dir/$commonname-cert.pem" "$cert_location"`;

		print "/bin/mv \"$ca_dir/$commonname-cert.pem\" \"$cert_location2\"\n";
		`/bin/mv "$ca_dir/$commonname-cert.pem" "$cert_location2"`;

		if ( $special_file_domain ne "" ) {
			print "/bin/ln -s \"$special_dir/$commonname\" \"$special_dir/$commonname$special_file_domain\"\n";
			`/bin/ln -s "$special_dir/$commonname" "$special_dir/$commonname$special_file_domain"`;
			print "Add \"$special_dir/$commonname\" or \"$special_dir/$commonname$special_file_domain\" to your command files.\n";
		} else {
			print "Add \"s $relative_path/private/var/radmind/cert/$commonname-cert.pem\" to your command file and use \"$commonname\" in the config file to identify the machine.\n";

	} else {
		#my $date = `/bin/date "+%Y.%m.%d"`;
		#chomp $date;

		#my $overload_name = "${commonname}_$date.T";
		my $overload_name = "${commonname}.T";

		$cert_location = "$file_dir/$overload_name/private/var/radmind/cert/$commonname-cert.pem";
		my $cert_location2 = "$file_dir/$overload_name/private/var/radmind/cert/cert.pem";

		print "Moving client cert to radmind overload.\n";
		print "/bin/mkdir -p \"$file_dir/$overload_name/private/var/radmind/cert\"\n";
		system "/bin/mkdir -p \"$file_dir/$overload_name/private/var/radmind/cert\"";

		if ( -f "$ca_dir/$commonname-cert.pem" ) {
			print "/bin/cp \"$ca_dir/$commonname-cert.pem\" \"$cert_location\"\n";
			system "/bin/cp \"$ca_dir/$commonname-cert.pem\" \"$cert_location\"";
			print "/bin/mv \"$ca_dir/$commonname-cert.pem\" \"$cert_location2\"\n";
			system "/bin/mv \"$ca_dir/$commonname-cert.pem\" \"$cert_location2\"";
		} else {
			die "$ca_dir/$commonname-cert.pem missing!";

		if ( -d "$file_dir/$overload_name" ) {
			print "/bin/cd \"$file_dir/$overload_name\"\n";
			chdir "$file_dir/$overload_name";
		} else {
			die "$file_dir/$overload_name missing!";

		if ( -f $cert_location ) {
			print "/usr/sbin/chown root:wheel \"$cert_location\"\n";
			system "/usr/sbin/chown", "root:wheel", $cert_location;

			print "$fsdiff -c sha1 -1 \"$relative_path/private/var/radmind/cert/cert.pem\" > \"$transcript_dir/cert_temp\"\n";
			system "$fsdiff -c sha1 -1 \"$relative_path/private/var/radmind/cert/cert.pem\" > \"$transcript_dir/cert_temp\"";
			print "$fsdiff -c sha1 -1 \"$relative_path/private/var/radmind/cert/$commonname-cert.pem\" >> \"$transcript_dir/cert_temp\"\n";
			system "$fsdiff -c sha1 -1 \"$relative_path/private/var/radmind/cert/$commonname-cert.pem\" >> \"$transcript_dir/cert_temp\"";
			print "$lsort -I -o \"$transcript_dir/$overload_name\" \"$transcript_dir/cert_temp\"\n";
			system "$lsort -I -o \"$transcript_dir/$overload_name\" \"$transcript_dir/cert_temp\"";
			unlink "$transcript_dir/cert_temp";

		} else {
			die "$cert_location missing!";

		print "Add \"$file_dir/$overload_name\" to your command file(s) and use \"$commonname\" in the config file to identify the machine(s).\n";


	# Put the cert somewhere where it can be easily put on clients
	if ( $cert_location ne '' ) {
		if ( defined $symlink_dir and $symlink_dir ne "" ) {
			my $dir_exists = 1;
			if ( ! -d $symlink_dir ) {
				mkdir $symlink_dir or $dir_exists = 0;
			if ( $dir_exists ) {
				if ( ! -e $cert_location ) {
					print "/bin/ln -s $cert_location $commonname\n";
					system "/bin/ln", "-s", $cert_location, "$symlink_dir/$commonname";
					print "You can copy the cert to the client by typing this command on the client:\nscp name\@radmind.example.com:/certs/$commonname $radmind_dir/cert/$commonname-cert.pem\n";
			} else {
				print "Couldn't create $symlink_dir so a link will not be placed in that location. If you create the location you can finish this last step with this command:\n/bin/ln -s $cert_location $commonname\n";


sub writeConfigFile {
	my $commonname = $_[0];
	unless ( -d "/tmp/openssl" ) { `/bin/mkdir "/tmp/openssl"`; }

	open CFG, ">/tmp/openssl/$commonname.cfg";

	print CFG<<EOF;	
HOME					= .
RANDFILE				= \$ENV::HOME/.rnd

[ req ]
default_bits			= 1024
default_keyfile			= privkey.pem
distinguished_name		= req_distinguished_name
attributes				= req_attributes
prompt					= no

[ req_distinguished_name ]
C						= $country
ST						= $state_province
L						= $city_locality
O						= $organization
OU						= $organization_unit
CN						= $commonname
emailAddress			= $email

[ req_attributes ]

	close CFG;